Dear families,
As you will see in the agenda, you have some homework this weekend - it's Dictation time!
2ndA and 2ndB should hurry a bit with their practice - we need the Notebook back in the school on Tuesday 20th. 2ndC is allowed to have the Notebook for an extra week - we won't need it until Tuesday 27th.
But don't worry! We will not do the Dictation in class until the last week of October, so even if you don't have the Notebook at home, you can always go to and find the song in the 'Suro' of 'Llengua anglesa' - as you will see, there is a lot of Hocus and Lotus material as well! And the October 'Short story'!
Please, let me know if you have any questions by either posting a comment here or sending me an email to
Thanks for everything!,
Teacher Pau.
Benvolgudes families,
Tal com veureu a l'agenda, aquest cap de setmana teniu una mica de deures: toca practicar el Dictation!
2nA i 2nB s'haurien d'afanyar una mica amb la pràctica: necessitem la Notebook a l'escola el dimarts dia 20. 2nC poden tenir la Notebook una altra setmana més: no la necessitarem fins dimarts dia 27.
Però no patiu! No farem el Dictation a classe fins a la darrera setmana d'octubre, així que encara que no tingueu la Notebook a casa, sempre podeu anar a i trobar la cançó al "Suro" de "Llengua anglesa" - tal com veureu, també hi ha molt material del Hocus i la Lotus! I la "Short story" d'octubre!
Si us plau, feu-me saber si teniu cap pregunta bé penjant un comentari aquí o bé enviant-me un correu electrònic a
Gràcies per tot!,
Teacher Pau.
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